Total Soul Reading: £85
Total readings cover all areas in life. Your soul knows everything about you so will know what you will need now.
Whether you need a life review; guidance in your career or personal relationships, whatever is happening right now, total soul readings follows the energy and highlights what is your priority -
bringing you focus and direction.
Soul Transference: £85
Soul Transference gives you the chance to connect with your soul, without the physical getting in the way. Soul Transference gives you the chance to change your reality, directly through your soul, rather than the long process of the physical journey. Coming face to face with your soul brings you back to self-belonging.
These are available if you have already had a soul reading with me.
One Question Reading: £20
One question readings are for anyone who has a specific question that they would like the answer to quickly. One question readings give you on-the-go guidance. Available via a WhatsApp message.
How I Do Soul Readings
I work soul-to-soul and not physical-to-physical.
The guidance you receive in my readings comes from your own soul and not from a third party relative or myself.